Pamburuthi Island

                             Author: Sajida Abdullah

Pamburuthi Island

Spring here is more enchanting than any other season. The ground is carpeted with fallen leaves, scattered over the large bricks laid years ago by the village’s oldest Muddaris. The melodic call of the Azan echoed from the nearby mosque, blending seamlessly with the rhythmic chants from the Hindu temple nearby. At the base of the mosque flowed the largest river in the area, its gentle currents adding an ethereal charm to the landscape. Soft, whispering winds danced across the river’s surface, as if resting in its tranquil embrace. Seasons change, but does this place ever lose its magic?

We often hear the term “island,” but do we truly understand the beauty it holds? What makes it so uniquely captivating?

Pamburuthi, a hidden gem in the northeastern part of Kannur district, offers a glimpse into the raw, untouched beauty of nature. Steeped in history, Pamburuthi was established over a century ago. The name itself carries intrigue—the word “pamb” refers to snakes. Does the thought of snakes unsettle you? Here, they are a natural part of life, woven into the fabric of local lore.

Islands are often called the “Eyes of God,” and in Pamburuthi, this divine connection is celebrated through the ancient tradition of “Theethullal.” This ritual, deeply rooted in the community, was once a vibrant annual event. During the ceremony, the “Theechamunddi”  is ritually dragged through fire in the late morning hours. The temple, adorned in vibrant red, served as the backdrop for these sacred rites.  It is this love—this unbreakable bond between people—that has kept the tradition alive for generations.

But the stories of Pamburuthi do not end here. They echo through time, repeating and evolving, ensuring that its history remains alive in the hearts of those who call it home.

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