Karimeen Pollichathu

Karimeen Pollichathu

Karimeen Pollichathu is a special food that can be served along with afternoon meals. This classic, spicy fried fish from Wayanad shows us the rich flavors of the region. It is a must-try for seafood lovers. 

Karimeen is the local name for pearl spot fish. The fish, with other ingredients like garlic, ginger, onion, tomato, curry leaves, and a blend of spices gives a splendid taste when grilled/fried.

Karimeen Pollichathu is prepared by marinating the fresh Karimeen fish with a blend of spices.  Spicy ingredients like turmeric, red chili powder, coriander powder, black pepper, etc. help to aromatize the fish with a delightful combination of flavors.


After marinating, the fish is wrapped in banana leaves, which not only imparts a pleasant fragrance but also helps to retain moisture and flavors. The prepared mixture of Karimeen and other ingredients can be then, either pan-fried or baked in an oven. The result is a mouth-watering fish fry infused with aromatic spices.  


The natural flavors of spices and the juicy taste of Karimeen fish create a delightful dish to savor on. 


This flavorful dish is mostly served in wrapped banana leaves itself, which imparts a unique taste to the fish fry.   


Karimeen Pollichathu is typically enjoyed with steamed rice and is often served on special occasions. It represents the essence of Wayanad cuisine and creates an enjoyable culinary experience. 

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